We are a logistics service provider that develops, organizes and markets a Europe-wide network for intermodal rail-road-water transport. Our services are aimed at freight forwarders and transport companies. We were founded as a limited partnership in Frankfurt am Main in 1969.
We are backed by around 220 freight forwarders from Germany and Europe as well as DB Cargo AG in an equal partnership. In this way, we guarantee a particularly close proximity to the market and optimum integration in the production of our train products.
Our aim is to continuously improve the cost-effectiveness and attractiveness of our services, to further expand national and international transport and to consolidate the importance of combined transport in the long term. We successfully complement our core business - the development, organization and marketing of transport services - with accompanying business areas. These include the construction and operation of transhipment facilities, the development and maintenance of special wagons as well as traction and consulting.
We have been contributing our knowledge and expertise for many years: In the construction, expansion and operation of transhipment facilities, through terminal participations at important locations, in the marketing of combined transport through participation in operators and, of course, in the development of traction companies, consulting projects and IT services. We will continue to pursue this successful strategy in the future and work with partners to ensure that the necessary foundations are laid for further growth in intermodal transport.
A quick overview of our investments: