We, Kombiverkehr Deutsche Gesellschaft für kombinierten Verkehr mbH & Co. KG (Kombiverkehr), operate this website www.kombiverkehr.de (website). 

All content on our website is legally protected. For cultural, journalistic and educational purposes, we make selected photos and videos (image material) available on our website for download free of charge and the terms of use set out here apply. 

By accessing the image material provided by us, you agree to these terms of use and our privacy policy

You are therefore bound by these terms of use, so please read these terms of use and our privacy policy carefully. If you have any questions, please contact our Corporate Communications staff directly.

If you use image materials on behalf of a company, organisation or other institution, (a) the personal address "you" in these terms of use refers to both you and the institution and (b) you represent this institution and warrant that you are authorised to bind this institution to these terms of use and to comply with them on behalf of the institution.


Downloading image materials for cultural, journalistic and educational purposes:

The image materials made available for free download on our website may only be used for cultural, journalistic and educational purposes. 

Free downloads for other purposes are not permitted and therefore only members of the authorised groups of persons are permitted to download images free of charge and only for the stated purposes.

Persons authorised to download free of charge are

  • Journalists
  • Cultural workers
  • Teachers, lecturers, professors of an educational institution (teaching staff)
  • Students
  • Pupils

Other persons, organisations, institutions etc. are not entitled to download images from our website free of charge. If you are interested in commercial use of the image material, please contact us.


Simple licence to use our image material:

We grant you a non-exclusive licence to use the requested image materials exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes. We can revoke this simple licence at any time if there is any doubt about the truthfulness of your information, your entitlement to download free of charge or your compliance with the stated purpose of use.

Downloading the image materials does not transfer any ownership rights to the image materials. All other rights remain with Kombiverkehr.

You are not entitled to transfer the licence received from us to use the image materials to third parties or institutions.

Any use of the image materials beyond the intended use specified by you, for other private or commercial purposes, any processing or modification of the image materials or any use of the image materials by persons who are not demonstrably authorised is expressly prohibited.


Copyright notice

When using our image materials, you are obliged to visibly mark the image materials with the following copyright notice:

© Kombiverkehr GmbH & Co. KG


Exemption from liability

If you use our image materials for unauthorised purposes or do not belong to the authorised group of persons, you undertake to indemnify and hold Kombiverkehr, its officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, legal proceedings, disputes, demands, damages, losses, costs and expenses. This includes indemnification and hold harmless from reasonable attorneys' fees and accounting fees, including, without limitation, costs of defence of any claim, suit or proceeding brought by a third party relating to (a) your access to or use of our Offerings or (b) your violation of these Terms of Use.


Applicable law and jurisdiction

The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. For disputes with companies or other non-private organisations, Frankfurt am Main is agreed as the place of jurisdiction, insofar as legally permissible.


Changes to these terms of use

We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms of Use.



Frankfurt am Main, January 2024